Method of a remote experiment |
Method of a remote experiment in control of a virtual robot or real robotic equipment via the global network includes the following main stages:
- familiarization of a remote user with the purpose and peculiarities of the given object, and with the list of subsystems allowing remote adjustment of operation modes;
- detailed study of the subsystems whose operation modes can be changed via the Internet;
- familiarization with the possible operation modes of the subsystems and recommendations on their realization;
- familiarization with the control interfaces of the subsystems, and practicing in using them for changing the settings;
- user testing to assess his knowledge of material;
- sending an application for a remote experiment, e.g. by e-mail, and payment for services if required;
- allocating passwords for entering the control mode, and a time span for the experiment;
- entering the control mode;
- selecting a control scenario from those available on the control server;
- generating a scenario and modes of remote experiment;
- checking the feasibility of the selected modes within the allocated time span;
- sending the scenario to the object server using the appropriate protocols;
- physical connection of the object control server with the control computer at the object location;
- transmitting the scenarios and control modes to the control computer;
- launching the scenario and running the remote experiment;
- presenting the results of the experiment on the control server.